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History Lesson Note for Complete JSS3 First, Second and Third Term

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JSS3 History Scheme of Work for First, Second and Third Term: These lesson notes cover the following topics.

First Term:

Week 1 – 4: Origin and Organisation of Trans-Saharan Trade.
1. Origin and nature of Trans-Saharan Trade.
2. Commodities traded during Trans-Saharan Trade:
• Gold
• Salt
• Horse
• Slaves
• Ostrich feathers
• Spices, etc.
3. Trade routes during Trans-Saharan Trade:
• Borno-Tripoli route
• Kanem Borno – Sudan route.
• Kano- Fezzan route.
4. Effects of Trans-Saharan Trade:
• Introduction of international trade.
• Introduction of the use of camels as a means of transportation.
• Introduction of slave trade across the Saharan.
• Introduction of Islam and Arabic language.
Encouraged interaction between North Africa and West Africa, etc.
Week 5 – 7: Origin and Organisation of Trans-Saharan Trade.
1. Nature of early European contacts with Nigeria.
2. Early Europeans that came to Nigeria:
• European Explorers (e.g Mungopark, H. Clapperton, Richard and John Lander (i.e. the Lander Brothers, etc.)
3. Nature of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade:
• Organisation
• Impact
• Abolition of Trans-Atlantic Slave trade.
4. The Legitimate Trade (i.e the trade of Palm Oil).
Week 8 – 10: Revision
Week 11 – 12: Examination

Second Term:

Week 1 – 4 : British colonization of Nigeria Territories
1. British contact with Nigeria:
• As explorer
• As traders
• As missionaries
2. How the British conquered Nigerian Territories:
• Signing of treaties
• Waging of wars.
3. British system of colonialism:
• Direct rule
• Indirect rule.
Week 5 – 7: The Evolution of the Nigeria State.
1. The Berlin Treaty:
• Major reasons for the treaty.
• Major features of the treaty
2. The roles of the Royal Niger Company in Nigeria Territories.
3. Colonial concept and administration of Nigeria territories.
Week 8 – 10: The Amalgamation of Nigeria
1. Meaning of Amalgamation
2. Reasons for the Amalgamation of Nigerian Territories.
3. Key personalities and their roles in the Amalgamation of the Nigeria Territories:
• Taubman Goldie.
• Lord Laggards
• The European Missionaries
• Nigerian Traditional Rulers etc.
Week 11 – 12: Revision and Examination

Third Term:

Week 1: Revision of last term
Week 2 – 4: The Amalgamation of Nigeria (Cont.)
– Advantages of amalgamation
– disadvantages of Amalgamation
– Process of Amalgamation
Week 5 – 7: The independence Nationalists Movement
– meaning of Nationalism
– Nationalist movement in British west Africa
-factors that contributed to Nigeria Nationalism
– External factors
– the Nature of Nigerian Nationalism
Week 8 – 10: People involved in the struggle for Nigeria’s independence
– Attainment of Independence in 1960


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