Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note for JSS2 Second Term


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JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Second Term: This lesson note covers the following topics.

1. Revision of First Term work.
2. Mission of the Disciples: (a) Fishers of men. Matt. 4: 18-22; LK 5: 1-11;
(b) The preaching of the Gospel and healing of the sick. Matt 10: 1-15
3. Mission of the Disciples: (c) The Mission of the twelve apostles and the seventy
disciples. Matt. 10: 1-15; MK6:7-13 LK 9: 1-16; 10: 1-24. (d) Outcome of the mission
of the twelve and seventy disciples Mk 12; LK 10:17-20.
4. Jesus Teachings on the Mount/The demand of the Kingdom: The Beatitudes.
Matt. 5:1-12. (b) Christians as salt and light of the world. Matt. 5:13-16.
5. Jesus teachings on the mount/the demand of the Kingdom: (c) Forgiveness.
Matt.6:14-15. (d) Revenge. Matt. 5: 38-42.
6. Jesus’ Teachings on Mount/The demand of the Kingdom: (e) Fasting and prayer.
Matt6:5-13. (f) Love of money. Matt. 6:19-34; (g) Worrying (anxiety); matt. 6:25-35
7. Jesus teaching Parables
a. meaning of parable – why Jesus taught in parables. Matt 13:34-35.
b. parables about the kingdom i. parable of the sower. Matt 13:1-9,18-23.
ii. Parable of the wheat and tares. Matt 13:24-30, 36-43.
iii. Parable illustrating God’s love : The prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32.
Lost sheep. Luke 15:3-7 Lost coin. Luke:15:8-10.
8. Jesus teaching in Parables
c. Parable about our attitude to earthly possessions: i. the rich fool –
Luke 12:13-21. ii. The rich man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31.
d. Maturity and Responsibility: i. the ten virgins. Matt 25:1-13. ii. The Talents.
Matt 25:14-30.
e. Unforgiving servant Matt 18:21-35
9. The Miracles of Jesus:
a. Nature Miracles of Jesus i. turning water into wine – John 2:1-11.
ii. Calming the storm – Matt 8:23-27; Mark 4: 35-41. iii. Feeding of the 5,000 –
Matt 14:13-21. Mark 14:13-21. Mark 6:30-44. Luke 9: 10-17. iv. Feeding of the
4,000 – Mark 8:1-6.
b. Walking on the water. Matt 14:22-33
10. The Miracle of Jesus
c. Healing Miracles of Jesus i. the centurion servant – Matt 8:5-13.
Luke 7:1-10. ii. The paralytic – Matt 9:1-8. Mark 2:1-12. iii. The demoniac of
Gadarene – Mark 5:1-20
d. Power over death i. raising of the widow’s son at Nain ii. Raising of Lazarus at
Bethany – John 11:1-45.
11 & 12. Revision & Examination


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