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FindNearbySchool.com is the premier online directory for private schools in Nigeria. Our mission is to make it easier for parents to find, compare, and choose the right school for their children. With a comprehensive database of private schools in Nigeria, parents can find all the information they need to make informed decisions about their children’s education.

We understand that choosing the right school is a big decision, and that’s why we provide detailed information about each school, including location, curriculum, fees, and more. Our platform also allows parents to read ratings and reviews from other parents, so they can make informed decisions based on the experiences of others.

We are committed to providing the best resources and tools for both parents and schools. Our website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it easier for parents to find the information they need. For schools, we provide a platform to showcase their unique features and benefits to a wider audience of parents.

At FindNearbySchool.com, we believe in the importance of education and are dedicated to helping parents find the right school for their children. Join us on this journey to make education accessible and available to everyone.

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Download Lesson Notes:

To ease the workload of teachers and school administrators, we have put together a collection of comprehensive and editable Lesson Notes that are syllabus-based and curriculum compliant covering all the major Subjects for JSS1 to SS3 for all terms (1st, 2nd & 3rd term). These Lesson Notes are available for >> Download Here <<


Education | Parenting | Online Learning | School Matters | Opportunities | News

  • 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a School for Your Child

    In today’s blog, I will share with you the five (5) factors to consider when choosing a school for your child. One of the most crucial decisions you will make as a parent is choosing the right school for your child. This is important as the right choice of school provide a solid foundation that… Read More >

  • 8 Proven Strategies for Boosting School Enrollment

    If you own or run a school, you probably know how important it is to keep the number of students’ enrolled steady. With the competition between schools growing stiffer by the day, it is essential to employ proven strategies for boosting school enrollment that can assist you in distinguishing yourself from the competition and attracting… Read More >

  • Overcoming Poor School Performance: A Guide for Parents

    If you are a parent with any of your children struggling with poor school performance, then this article is for you. I know it can be heartbreaking to see your child falling behind in school. Poor school performance can have significant impact on a child’s self-esteem and future opportunities. However, there are steps you can… Read More >

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