JSS1 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Second Term: This lesson note covers the following topics.
1. Classification of crops based on the life cycle
2 Classification of crops based on uses (a) food crops (b) oil, spices, latex beverages, fibre ,etc. (c) As sources of nutrient: Carbohydrates, proteins, fat/oil, minerals and vitamins
3. Ecological distribution of crops/factors affecting distribution of crops in Nigeria (Map of Nigeria required).
4. Forms of farm animals e.g. work animal, diary animal, guard animal, poultry bird ,etc.
5. Forms of farm animals (cont’d)
6. Classification of farm animals based on-Habitat-Aquatic and terrestrial, Mammals and Non-Mammals.
6. Classification of farm animals based on Digestive system-Ruminants and Non-Ruminants.
7. Characteristics of farm animals e.g. Cattle, Goat, Sheep, Pig, Poultry, Rabbit.
8. Breeds of farm animals, e.g. Cattle, Goat, Sheep, Pig, Poultry, Rabbit.
9. Uses of farm animals – Food, Work, Income, etc.
10. Ecological distribution/ factors affecting distribution of animals in Nigeria.
11. Revision
12. Examination
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