JSS1 Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Second Term: This lesson note covers the following topics.
1. Revision of first term work.
2. Aquatic sports.; ( a)Meaning and types of aquatic sports e .g. regatta; water polo, canoeing, fishing,(b )Facilities and equipment for aquatic sports( c) safety measures in aquatic sports(d) skills in aquatic spots (d) skills in aquatic sports.
3. First aid and safety education,; Meaning of First Aid and safety education ( b) contents of First Aid Box (c) of Qualities of a good first aider.
4. Personal school and community health. (a) Determinant of health .(1)Hereditary (11)Environment (111)Life style (b)Characteristics of a healthy person (1)Ability to work without easily fatigued (Ability to comprehend mental fatigue (III)Resistance to infection.
5. Sewage and refuse Disposal. (a) Meaning of sewage and Refuse (b) Methods of Sewage disposal—open dump water system V IP latrine others(c) Methods of refuse disposal –Open dump, incinerator, composting; controlled tipping others.
6. Water supply .. Sources of water supply rain ,bore hole , well, spring ,stream’, lake ;river,pipe borne water (b)Qualities of good water supply .Odourless., Tasteless colourless, Free from pathogens and acceptable mineral composition
7. Meaning and components of physical fitness.(a)Meaning of physical fitness (b)Components of physical fitness (c) Characteristics of physical fit person (d)Importance of physical fitness; (e)Health related components Performance related components
8. Fitness exercises (a) Exercises to develop endurance and, flexibility (b) Precautions while performing exercises.
9. Fundamental human movement.(a) locomotor movements—walking jogging ,running ,jumping skipping, hopping (b) Non locomotor movements. ;stretching, bending ,lifting, pushing, twisting,
10. Meaning and components of Recreation, (a) definition of recreation ,..leisure and rest (b)Components of recreation___-(a )indoor, recreation( b) outdoor recreation.(c)Types of activities under the two components of recreation.
11. Revision
12. Examination.
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